Πάντα είναι χρήσιμος – ή καλύτερα, απαραίτητος – ένας σάκος πλάτης στο ταξίδι μας. Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις χρειάζεται να κουβαλήσουμε μέρος του εξοπλισμού μας στην πλάτη. Θα ήταν αρκετά περιοριστικό να μην έχουμε αυτή τη δυνατότητα, για απλές μονοήμερες εκδρομές και περιπάτους, ως και πολυήμερες, απαιτητικές πεζοπορίες. Είναι σημαντικό να μπορούμε να επιλέξουμε μόνο τον … Read More
REVIEW | RedFox Summit 70L expedition backpack
We always need at least one big backpack among our luggage. In various occasions we need to carry some of our stuff on our backs. From simple one-day hikes to multi-day trekking adventures, it is absolutely necessary to be able to take only some pieces of our equipment with us (our tent, sleeping bags, stove, … Read More
REVIEW | RedFox Pro Mat Extreme sleeping mat
The most important features of a sleeping mat for our kind of travel are: endurance, comfort and lightness. That’s why we chose the Pro Mat Extreme sleeping mats. They weigh only 794gr (1 lb., 12 oz.) and when packed, their size is very manageable. Only 14.6cm x 14.6cm x 29 cm (5″ x 5″ x … Read More
REVIEW | RedFox Expedition Duffel Bag 100L
We couldn’t decide what kind of luggage would be the best to withstand the load of spare parts, tools and other heavy objects we carry. And it’s not only the weight but also the shape and the material of all this stuff that make carrying it tricky. When we saw the Red Fox Expedition Duffel … Read More
REVIEW | RedFox Arctic -20 sleeping bag
We chose the Arctic -20 sleeping bags mainly for their temperature range, their low weight and their good insulation. However, when we started using them we discovered more features that made us love them. First of all, they’re lightweight (1460 g / 3.2 lbs. / 51.5 oz) and they can be squeezed into their bags … Read More